The lockdown has been a dream without end for our furry friends who have had us humans work beside them day after day. But, as we slowly return to business as usual, more and more pet owners will have to bid their good boy’s goodbye as they head back into the workplace. For pets with anxiety issues, this can lead to expensive consequences for their owners.
To ensure that your faithful companions don’t tear your house down when you leave for work, below are a few tips to prepare your pet for when you go back to work:
Does your pet have a lack of house training or separation anxiety?
The first thing you’ll need to discern is whether your pet is displaying signs of true separation anxiety or whether they just need to be properly house trained. If your pet suffers from separation anxiety, they’ll display more distressing signals, such as trying to prevent you from leaving, barking incessantly when you’re away, urinating or defecating when left alone, and frequently trying to escape to reach you.
Protect your pets and prepare your home
It will take some time for your pet to adjust to your new schedule. In the meanwhile, you should make some adjustments to your home to protect your pet and your property. To start, if your pet urinates or defecates when left alone, keep him or her away from rooms with fitted carpets, wooden floors, or loose mats, as these will be harder to clean. If your pet tries to escape often, inspect the boundary walls and fences to make sure there are no weak spots or places where your furry friend could hurt themselves, for example, on spiked edges or protruding nails.
Recondition your pet before you go back to work
When your pet displays signs of separation anxiety, you’ll need to teach them how to enjoy or at least endure being left alone. A good way to achieve this is to counter-condition your pet so that they associate being alone with things they enjoy, like a tasty treat. Every time you leave the house, offer your pet a puzzle toy stuffed with food that will take them at least 20 to 30 minutes to complete.
Don’t ignore your pet’s destructive behaviour
You should never ignore the destructive behaviour of your pet, but rather prioritise the wellbeing of your pet above the state of your home. If your pet is destroying your property, there may be a bigger reason behind the bad behaviour, such as an underlying health issue. Consider seeking professional help to ensure the health and safety of your pet. Alternatively, you could reach out to a real estate professional who’ll be able to help you find a home with a bigger backyard where your pet won’t notice you’re gone.
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